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3 Resources For Novice Teachers Getting A Handle on Twitter

Rutgers Alternate Route provides opportunities for teaching candidates to leverage social media spaces for professional learning and to expand awareness of new technologies for K-12 teaching and learning. Ensuring that our teachers are up to date on the latest tech trends and innovations is a priority for our program, and the social media platform Twitter supports this effort.  Each spring, we invite candidates to join us on Twitter and learn about the variety of professional ways they can use the platform.  

Many teaching candidates are typically using social media for personal recreation and communication but have not considered how their professional practice might be enhanced by social media networking. Our spring session helps teachers literally get a handle on Twitter, while demystifying the potential of using Twitter for their classrooms and other professional purposes. It is likely that some teachers are now asking "What’s Twitter and what’s it got to do with teaching?". This video will help answer that initial question.

We anticipate that after viewing the video, the next response will be "This is amazing! How do I get started?". We’ve got you covered. Just follow the steps in this infographic for details.  

twitter for novice alternate route teacherstwitter how to for alternate route teachers

Finally, those with concerns and doubts may want to check out the eSchool News article which may address some of the issues you’re considering. No matter where you are in your social media journey, we look forward to helping you stay on the cutting-edge of education with Twitter as integral part of your professional learning strategy.

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Stacy Young is a New Jersey certified English teacher with a passion for quality education. She currently serves as the Assistant Director of Rutgers University's Alternate Route Teacher Training Program at the Center for Effective School Practices. Follow her on Twitter @AskStacyYoung.