8 Twitter #EdChats That Teachers Should Follow This Summer
Summer break is upon us. Teachers can finally get some much needed relaxation and rest. While summer is a great time to slow down and unwind, it is also a great time to catch up on education news and indulge in professional learning. Twitter offers wonderful options for summer learning. It has emerged as a resource for educators and students to share everything from photos to teaching strategies. For those teachers whose summer plans include polishing lesson plans and keeping the creative and organizational juices going, consider joining Twitter. Plenty of Twitter chats are happening this summer where you can gain ideas and inspiration for next school year. Best of all you can participate while lounging poolside, relaxing at the beach or leaning against a tree at your favorite park. Check out the schedule below.
Moderator: There is a new moderator every session.
Subject Area: a twitter chat for English teachers to share ideas and teaching tips
Dates: Mondays at 7 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23engchat&src=typd Participants share lesson plans, conference dates, blogs and articles about how certain material is being used in the classroom, and teaching tips for English teachers.
Moderators: Dan Krutka (@dankrutka), Melissa Seideman (@mseideman) and Michael Milton (@42thinkdeep)
Subject Area: Social Studies (teachers)
Dates: Mondays at 7 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23sschat&src=typd The #sschat has #OTD in history events, alternative theories for teaching history, books, websites, retweets from other hashtags, current events and symposiums on topics within teaching history.
Moderators: Heidi Echternacht (@hechternacht) and Amy Murray (@happycampergirl)
Subject Area:Kindergarten and Early Childhood (educators)
Dates: Mondays 9 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23kinderchat&src=typd Arts and crafts projects for kindergarterners, photos from class projects and activities, lesson suggestions are listed in this discussion.
Moderator: Todd Bloch (@blocht574)
Subject Area: Middle Schol (general)
Dates: Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23mschat&src=typd Articles about maneuvering the social lives and dynamics of middle school students, tips for teachers, reading lists for students, and study strategies are shared in this chat.
Moderators:Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby), Steven Anderson (@web20classroom) and Shelly Terrell (@ShellTerrell)
Subject Area: Twitter chat that hosts discussions of a wide array of topics for educators.
Dates: Tuesdays noon ET and noon ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Edchat&src=typd Retweets from other chats, lesson plans, education policy, general education information and tips are in this chat.
Moderators: @mathchat UK based
Subject Area:Twitter chat for teachers and students about Math education
Dates: Mondays at 8:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23mathchat&src=typd Math competition information, lesson plans, study lessons, retweets from other chats are in this chat.
Moderators: Valarie Ruckes (@valruckes) and Laura Komos (@LauraKomos)
Subject Area:Twitter chat discussion for first grade teachers
Dates: Sundays 8 p.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%231stchat&src=typd Lesson plans, environment management, pictures from class activities and lessons, and student work are all shared in this chat.
Moderators: Nancy Caramanico @ncara, Barb Gilman +Barb Gilman, and Nick Senger +Nick Senger
Subject Area: Catholic education, teaching faith
Dates: Saturdays at 9 a.m. ET
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23catholicedchat&src=typd Books, articles, journals, and class activities are shared in this chat.
Twitter has countless chats and informational resources for educators. If you do not see your interest area among any of the chats we have shared, perhaps you will find your niche here. Happy tweets and continue to enjoy your summer vacation!