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  • 01 Mar
    25 Must-attend Education Conferences and Webinars for Spring

    Conferences have long been places for like-minded professionals to meet, exchange ideas and grow networks. As we have adapted to living with the COVID virus, we’ve seen doors opened for educators to attend conferences that are out of state, and even out of the country. Information and sharing is more available than ever, and as in-person events start to trickle back into our lives, we’ve seen the benefit hybrid options bring.

    Local educators now have the option to attend a New Jersey-based event or meet people from all over the globe through the technology’s power to connect. As a result of this digitally expanded world, the below professional-development opportunities are a mix of local, national and international offerings. 

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  • 22 Feb
    How New Jersey Educator Paul Nolan Tackled the edTPA, Advises New Teachers

    Paul Nolan left his job as a teacher to enter into the business world. Years later, he left the business world to return to his roots. He had been yearning to go back and found an opportunity through a full-time substitute teaching position… and Rutgers Alternate Route.

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  • 14 Feb
    Alternate Route Instructors Share Why They Love Working with New Teachers

    February 14-21 is #LoveTeachingWeek, which is one of our favorite weeks at Alternate Route! In honor of our instructors' hard work and passion for education, we asked them what they love about working with new teachers. The responses we received are inspiring, heartfelt and full of passion.

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  • 08 Feb
    Understanding Critical Race Theory and How to Incorporate its Principles in the Classroom

    Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been the subject of many headlines over the past year. Since January 2021, 36 states have taken measures to ban or restrict how educators can discuss race in the classroom. Out of these 36 states, 14 have successfully implemented these restrictions, with the rest working to have their own measures implemented. 

    These measures are unfortunately rooted in a deep misunderstanding about what Critical Race Theory is and its intended purpose. Despite becoming a household term within the past year, the concept has existed for more than 40 years and was created by legal scholars. The practice, which has been primarily taught in law schools and in higher education, can be applied to many areas in life and is a valuable tool in helping students understand inequities in their society. 

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  • 18 Jan
    Helping Kinesthetic Learners Thrive While Learning Online

    It is important to understand the many ways that students learn. Some students learn better visually, which is through seeing; some are auditory learners, which means they learn easily by listening; and still others are hands on learners and learn best by doing. This last category of learners is kinesthetic learners, and they need to engage in something physical to get the best learning experience. 

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