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  • 27 Sep
    Honoring New Jersey Latinx Teachers During Hispanic Heritage Month

    Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the contributions of famous achievers of Spanish, Mexican, Caribbean, Central American and South American heritage. It’s equally important to recognize the contributions of lesser-known local achievers of Hispanic descent whose accomplishments are also noteworthy.

    Many of these local achievers are working in classrooms leading change while helping students thrive academically and personally. They’ve left other professions to serve as teachers, bringing with them unique backgrounds and experiences that help them inspire their students daily.

    And, at a time when districts nationwide are working to diversify their teaching staff, these educators are answering the call to provide representation and high-quality education to students of all backgrounds. Many of their lived experiences reflect the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data indicating that Latinx students are the least likely in the United States to have a teacher who looks like them. As teachers, they are actively working to change this statistic one classroom at a time.

    Rutgers Alternate Route proudly presents six teachers making a difference in school districts in our state. Learn about their journey to change lives through teaching while addressing the demand for an increasingly diverse teaching force.

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  • 17 Sep
    13 Must-Attend Education Conferences for NJ Teachers & Leaders | Fall 2021 Edition

    "Professional learning must go on" should be the collective slogan of New Jersey educators. Their passion for sharpening their skills and knowledge to better serve students has not waned despite the pandemic, and education organizations across the state of New Jersey have responded with opportunities for supporting that drive.  As in previous years, the Rutgers Alternate Route Program has made it easy for New Jersey teachers and leaders to identify PD opportunities for the fall season. The below list of offerings are hosted by state-based professional associations, local universities and grassroots education groups. The majority of workshops, conferences and trainings are free and low-cost; AND MANY ARE VIRTUAL! A select few may require financial investment from your district.

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  • 15 Sep
    Hispanic Heritage Month Resources from 8 New Jersey Libraries

    September 15 kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month, which recognizes the achievements and contributions of Hispanic Americans. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 20.9 percent of New Jerseyans identify as Hispanic or Latinx (the gender-neutral term for Latino/a), making up a sizable portion of our state’s population. 

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  • 24 Aug
    10 Free Exciting Review Games For Teachers of All Subject & Grades

    Our teachers and candidates know well that classroom instruction goes beyond lectures and worksheets. Their challenge is to find ways to get students excited about learning, while also helping them retain the new material. In fact, incorporating retention strategies is just as important as the material being presented. Without a focus on retention, students risk forgetting previously learned skills and concepts. By only utilizing short-term memory, students often struggle when quizzed for comprehension weeks or months later.

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  • 13 Aug
    These 12 Alternate Route Mentors Brag About Their Candidate Mentees

    Our Alternate Route candidates are fortunate to learn from some of the best educators in New Jersey. During our candidates’ time in the Alternate Route program, they develop life-changing relationships with their mentors, receiving advice they carry with them throughout their education careers. 

    We often hear how mentors have helped their mentees succeed, but what if we shared the positive impact mentees have had on their mentors? 

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