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  • 29 Apr
    The Best Teacher Appreciation Week Discounts and Deals

    Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! This is a beloved week for us at Alternate Route, as we love celebrating our candidates past and present, as well as our trusted partners. 

    In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, many businesses are celebrating educators by offering exclusive discounts. Teachers can redeem coupons for school supplies, deals on insurance and auto repair, discounts on clothing and much more. 

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  • 22 Apr
    How Teachers Can Increase Equity in the Classroom

    Like the rest of the world, educators were not prepared for the challenges COVID-19 brought along. Throwing the entire school model up in the air, students and teachers were forced to learn and instruct remotely. 

    The shift created cracks in the system, allowing various inequities to sneak in and take root, exacerbating the inequities plaguing education prior to COVID-19. 

    The best thing educators can do for their students during these trying times is to understand and identify what inequities look like within classrooms. With understanding, it is easier to pinpoint and address these issues, making for a more equitable experience for students. 

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  • 14 Apr
    Alternate Route Alum Sharon Phillips Combines Love for Tech and Teaching

    Alternate Route alum Sharon Phillips originally went to school for Information Technology, but found herself in education because of the raw talent her colleagues saw. 

    For years, Phillips worked in coding, designing programs and training staff, but after the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s those in tech went from cherry-picking the job market to being thrust into cutthroat job competition. 

    During this time, Phillips switched gears. She moved to New Jersey and focused on being a mother to two boys. That’s when education began creeping into her life. She became heavily involved in their school, from helping in the classroom to being part of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Phillips took to education so well that other people began to notice.

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  • 27 Mar
    New Jersey Education Leaders Share Tips for Teaching in Virtual Learning Environments

    Educators now have a year of virtual learning experience under their belts, and looking back on this somber anniversary, it is inspiring to see how these educators have risen to the occasion. 

    These incredible groups of people had a huge learning curve ahead of them. While there are plenty of educators that are comfortable with existing and emerging tech, many had to learn multiple new programs, and do so fast. 

    To get an idea of the challenges educators have faced and the lessons they have learned, we turned to a few of our Program Advisory Council members. This group of individuals represents the best in New Jersey education and we are proud they are part of the Rutgers Alternate Route community. Overall, these esteemed professionals have been impressed with their colleagues’ resilience, willingness to adapt and dedication to student success.

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  • 15 Mar
    Getting Hired: 29 New Jersey Education Jobs for Spring

    Spring is the time for fresh starts. If landing a new job is one of those starts, we congratulate you on taking that step! 

    While many educators and districts are looking forward to summer breaks, finding top-tier talent is always a priority. 

    There are plenty of New Jersey school districts that are currently hiring for Spring, with a diverse list of job options for new and veteran educators. We’ve connected with our partners and scoured the internet for current job openings available in New Jersey. 

    If you have a job posting you’d like us to share, please email  with the subject line “Position Announcement.”

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