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  • 25 Sep
    9 Must-Attend Education Conferences for NJ Teachers & Leaders | Fall 2020 Edition

    Education organizations across the state of New Jersey and beyond have planned a variety of learning events for the fall. As in previous years, Rutgers Alternate Route at the Center for Effective School Practices has made it easy for New Jersey teachers to identify PD opportunities for the upcoming fall teaching season.

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  • 24 Sep
    How This NJ School Leader is Helping Teachers and Students Thrive

    Neyda Fernandez-Evans’ personality is perfect for a career in education. Naturally curious, Fernandez-Evans dabbled in diverse career options before she found a home in education. Currently an assistant principal in Metuchen School District, Fernandez-Evans followed her own curiosity to get where she is today.

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  • 10 Sep
    Getting Hired: Teaching Jobs for Fall

    It’s officially the 2020/2021 school year! Although this year looks different from previous ones, there’s still much to be excited about, just like every new year. 
    While many educators are currently diving into their curriculums, others are on the lookout for their next big opportunity. 

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  • 28 Aug
    Alternate Route Teachers Drive Diversity and Quality Education in New Jersey Schools

    Part of our mission at Rutgers Alternate Route is to create pathways for people of all backgrounds, ages, and educational levels to pursue and launch successful careers in teaching and education. The Rutgers Center for Effective School Practices’ Alternate Route Program surveys our graduates each year to allow insight into their transition into teaching and learn about program satisfaction.

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  • 11 Aug
    Rutgers NJ Alternate Route Alum Denis Cretinon Improves Virtual Learning Through Collaboration

    When COVID-19 hit, Discovery Charter School Leader and Alternate Route alum Denis Cretinon knew he wouldn’t succeed without a team. Cretinon, who recently finished his first year as School Leader, worked with fellow Discovery educators on March 13th to put a plan together that best serves students and teachers. On March 16th, school was back in session… but had a new look.

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