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  • 03 Aug
    Teacher Tips for Technology Distractions in the Classroom

    teacher tips for technology in the classroom

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  • 25 Jul
    Alternate Route Teachers Utilize Their Backgrounds to Diversify School Settings

    Diversifying the teaching workforce is a priority for the New Jersey Department of Education, and the Alternate Route program at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education is doing its part to address teacher diversity. Alternate Route candidates bring varying backgrounds, ages and experiences to the classroom, which helps students expand their perspectives.

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  • 18 Jul
    Alternate Route Candidates Share Their First Lesson Tips for New Teachers

    To help new candidates gain real-life teaching skills, Rutgers Alternate Route requires them to complete a pre-professional experience that consists of planning and delivering guest lessons. This requirement allows candidates to apply their textbook knowledge to classroom situations, grow from the challenges, and expand their instructional strategies.  

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  • 29 Jun
    The 25 Best Twitter Accounts for Educators to Follow

    Twitter is a great digital resource because it connects individuals all over the world with information quickly and concisely. For educators, Twitter is a great platform to connect, share ideas and expand their networks. 

    Alternate Route knows Twitter’s power, as we host regular Twitter chats with our candidates, stakeholders and education leaders. This form of communication - where the Alternate Route Twitter account poses questions and participants tweet their answers - introduces new ideas and opinions to our community. Participants walk away having a deeper connection and understanding of a topic, and hopefully also walk away with an expanded network.

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  • 14 Jun
    Making Juneteenth Memorable and Meaningful In Schools

    On June 19, 2021, Juneteenth was officially recognized by the United States as a federal holiday. The acknowledgment and observance is significant, especially for Black Americans who have been celebrating the holiday for more than 150 years.

    Observing Juneteenth is important because the holiday represents the date Black Americans officially became emancipated. Many people associate the end of slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation, which was issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 - but that is not entirely factual.

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