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  • 14 Mar
    Facts and Resources to Better Serve Students with Autism

    Years ago, neurological conditions like autism and ADHD came with dangerous stereotypes, including an inability to emote, singular obsessions and aggressive behavior, for example. The truth is that autism looks different in every person, which is why the term ‘neurodiversity’ is often used. To best support our educators and their neurodiverse students, we’ve outlined autism facts, myths and resources to utilize and share.

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  • 08 Feb
    63 Discounts and Deals for Educators During Love Teaching Week

    There’s a lot of love going around this week, with Valentine’s Day and Love Teaching Week coinciding. To show educators how much Rutgers Alternate Route appreciates them, we’ve scoured the internet for discounts and deals that are specific to teachers.

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  • 07 Feb
    How to Teach an Intersectional Women’s History Month

    We all have identities that affect how we interact with the world. A classroom is no different, with every student using their unique backgrounds and experiences to connect with the material. By understanding intersectionality and how individuals experience the world through their identities, teachers are better tuned into how to reach their students.

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  • 09 Jan
    Black History Events and Content to Engage Students This February

    Through culturally responsive teaching, New Jersey teachers can help create more diverse learning experiences for their students. To assist with connecting educators with Black history resources, Rutgers Alternate Route has rounded up some free and teacher-approved resources to incorporate into classrooms.

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  • 14 Dec
    Should Teachers Use Multiple Choice Tests for Assessment?

    Are multiple choice questions effective at demonstrating learning, or are they a negative result of our prolific standardized testing culture? Is there a way to implement MCQs in a more effective way? Over the past several days I have looked over the leading research in designing MCQ assessments. We will now take a dive into MCQs: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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