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  • 09 Nov
    31 Resources Science Teachers Use to Help Students Learn

    Science not only holds the potential for groundbreaking discoveries but also offers individual benefits that can enhance students’ cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and understanding of the world around them. Moreover, science provides a powerful platform for building confidence, developing communication skills, and navigating a world increasingly shaped by science and technology. Science teachers enrolled with Rutgers Alternate Route are committed to ensuring that their students reap the full benefits of studying this important subject area, and they take their roles as STEM ambassadors seriously. They are sharing their go-to resources for planning great lessons and enhancing their teaching for their science students.

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  • 31 Oct
    29 Resources Special Education Teachers Use to Help Students Learn

    Most educators agree that the best place for students with learning disabilities is in the general education setting. Therefore, accommodating special education students in general education classrooms is imperative. This calls for increased differentiation of general instruction to make content accessible to special education students. While Teacher of Students with Disabilities-certified educators specializes in supporting students with learning disabilities, teachers in all content areas share the responsibility for their success as well. That's why New Jersey Special Education teachers enrolled with Rutgers Alternate Route are sharing the go-to resources they use to plan great lessons and enhance their teaching for students with learning disabilities.

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  • 31 Oct
    20 Resources Visual Arts Teachers Use to Help Students Learn

    Arts Education is essential for developing well-rounded students. The arts foster creativity, critical thinking, and self-confidence in students, while also developing their aesthetic appreciation. In addition to this positive impact on their personal development, arts education also improves academic performance. That's why most schools in the U.S. require students to complete some sort of arts study as part of their middle or high school curriculum. In order to unlock the benefits of studying the arts, teachers must plan learning experiences that move students from passive participants to engaged creatives who actively leverage art forms for expression. That's why New Jersey Arts teachers enrolled with Rutgers Alternate Route are sharing the go-to resources they use to plan great lessons and enhance their teaching for students in their classes.

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  • 23 Oct
    Teaching Thanksgiving the Culturally Responsive Way

    Thanksgiving is one of many historical observances that benefit from culturally responsive teaching. Many people were taught that the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, were taken in by a Native American tribe and celebrated a large feast to represent unity.

    What we were taught, however, perpetuates many myths and leaves out important—and devastating—facts.

    In this blog, we will address the historical inaccuracies shared during this time of year, as well as provide resources to teach Thanksgiving in a culturally responsive way.

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  • 23 Oct
    19 Resources World Languages Teachers Use to Help Students Learn

    World language study enhances communication skills, fosters global awareness, and prepares students for an increasingly interconnected world, among other benefits. That may be the reason most schools in the U.S. require students to complete some sort of foreign language study as part of their middle or high school curriculum. In order to unlock the benefits of studying a second language, teachers must plan learning experiences that move students from passive participants to engaged learners who actively use the target language for communication. That's why New Jersey World Language teachers enrolled with Rutgers Alternate Route are sharing their go-to resources to plan great lessons and enhance their teaching for students in their classes.

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